Women in Art and History

A History of Women in Baseball


As players, fans, umpires, architects, and owners, women have been active in baseball for centuries. We will learn about baseball’s most famous fan, Katie Casey, and see some important examples of Minnesota women in baseball.

Knitting From Norway: Socks, Mittens, and Norwegian Sweaters

Famous for distinctive patterns and colors, Norwegian knitted garments—especially the well-known cardigans and pullovers—have a long and interesting history. From Selbu mittens to Lillehammer sweaters, this presentation traces the story of this enduring textile tradition.


Women Artists in History


For many years—and still today—most art displayed in museums was made by men. Yet throughout time, and around the world, women have created beautiful art of all kinds. This presentation will introduce you to this still-hidden history of women artists and their impressive work.

Bible Art by Women Artists

Although often indistinguishable from similar portrayals by their male colleagues, the images of Biblical women by female artists are sometimes distinctly different. In this slide presentation, we will see how the particular vision of women artists created fascinating perspectives on familiar religious characters and stories.


Full of Grace: The Virgin Mary in Christian Art


From the very beginning, the Virgin Mary has been a familiar and beloved figure in Christian art. She appears in nearly every Christmas image, at the crucifixion, and as a character in other biblical narratives, but she also stands apart as an iconic figure—for instance, in the innumerable Madonna and Child images. In this presentation, we will consider Mary’s important and inspirational place in Christian imagery.

Blessed Among Women: Mary’s Place in Christmas Art

Christmas art features one figure more than any other: the Virgin Mary. Many others populate the scenes--Jesus, Joseph, angels, shepherds, the Magi, and animals--but Mary appears everywhere. In this slide presentation, we'll look at the many places Mary is seen in the beautiful images of the Christmas season.
