I have been part of the tour staff at Target Field since 2010, the ballpark’s inaugural season. In addition to leading general tours for groups of all ages, I also lead a number of specialized tours.
Visit Target Field Tours to learn more about the tours programs. If you would like to schedule one of my tours at the ballpark, you can be in touch with me, or you can contact the Twins at 612-659-3878 or tours@twinsbaseball.com to make your request and start the reservation process.
The Architecture of Target Field
A History of Women in Baseball
Art at the Ballpark
Being Green at the Ballpark: Target Field and Sustainability, available as a specialty tour or as a continuing education course for LEED-accredited professionals seeking credential maintenance.
““Our guide on the ballpark tour was superb, the best single aspect of the convention for me and several others I was with.””