The Local Work of Edwin Lundie

Although his best-known designs—for the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum and the Lutsen Resort—don’t fit into a residential area like St. Anthony Park, Lundie designed plenty of houses for neighborhoods around the Twin Cities. We are lucky to have a collection of Lundie homes within a relatively small area in the northern section of St. Anthony Park and in the adjoining University Grove. We will see these nine homes in this tour of Lundie house exteriors from the 1920s and 1930s.

  • Thursday, July 6, 10:30-12:30

  • Saturday, July 8, 10:30-12:30

  • Tuesday, July 11, 6:00-8:00

This tour starts on Chelmsford between Buford and Doswell, near 1427 Chelmsford. (Please stay on the sidewalk or street and do not approach the house or walk on the lawn.) We will walk to Doswell, then follow Hythe north to Dudley, then west to Grantham, and finally we will make our way into the University Grove on Vincent. This is approximately eleven blocks of walking, covering just under a mile. We will walk gradually uphill from the edge of College Park to Folwell Avenue in the University Grove. The tour is not a loop.

The tours are designed for walking and biking from site to site, but folks with mobility issues are welcome to follow along in their vehicles.

Reservations are required. Tours are limited to 30 participants.

There is a suggested donation of $10 per person, collected at the time of the tour, to help cover tour costs. At the moment, I will accept cash and checks, but onsite credit card payments might be possible in the future.

Bring your own earbuds (standard audio jack only) or pick up a colorful (and reusable!) set from me for $1.00. Dress for the weather: don’t forget sunscreen, your water bottle, and whatever conditions demand--an umbrella, a hat, a jacket, some gloves.

Tours will run showers or shine--unless the rain is heavy, includes lightning and thunder, hail, high winds, or tornadoes. Every effort will be made to reschedule a postponed tour within a day or two, and/or to accommodate people on an upcoming tour on the same topic. Cancelation or postponement decisions will be made approximately one hour before the tour. They will be announced at this webpage and through emails to registered participants.

Reserve a space for one of these Lundie tours by sending an email to Be sure to specify the tour topic and date you are requesting.

  • Thursday, July 6, 10:30-12:30

  • Saturday, July 8, 10:30-12:30

  • Tuesday, July 11, 6:00-8:00

We’re grateful to the Courtney Law Office in St. Anthony Park for their assistance with the purchase of an audio system.